A little more about Janeal

Most of her articles are about the experiences she been through, and her inspirations. Sat back and enjoy while you look through the pages of her blog. If you like this blog also check out Janeal's writing blog and Let of some steam blog by Janeal. Thanks

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Should Men Carry Their Own Condoms

There are arguments for both sides to carry condoms, and I know my story is in no way unique by any means, but if it helps one person out there than it has been worth writing.

I was twenty years old, and my fiancĂ© at the time had moved me to a different town. I had been on birth control for two years and like many women I had carried condoms with me since high school just in case. I had lived with Cole for over six months and had a few more weeks of pills left, but I couldn’t get back to my regular doctor to get a new prescription for more pills at that time. I told Cole about not having anymore pills and told him he would need to go pick up condoms, or buy some the next time we went to the store. He hated wearing them, so he didn’t bother to buy any. My pills were gone, our wedding was planned for the next month, and I’d asked him if he was going to get some, he said it didn’t matter.

So we started our family early. Our first child was born eight months and eleven days after our wedding. I was breast-feeding so I was still unable to take the pill. My husband and I again had a talk about what we should do about birth control. He was still against buying condoms. Our second child was born seventeen months and one day, after our first child.

After fourteen years of marriage, we went our separate way like so many couples do today. After we had separated he came over one night to talk, and he brought up our children. He informed me that he hadn’t been ready for kids, when we had ours. So I asked him why he hadn’t bought the condoms all those years ago, if he hadn’t wanted kids at that time. His answer had been it was my responsibility to take care of the birth control.

I thought then as I think now, all those times he wanted sex, what was his responsibility, when was his responsibility suppose to start. I’m sorry but I’ve heard this story from so many women, he didn’t want to use a condom because he doesn’t get the same feeling, or they break anyway so why bother. I’ve heard men claim over and over how some woman tricked them into marriage because they got pregnant with their child, or how they have to pay for a child because some woman said she was on the pill.

Why are you guys listening to some woman instead of making sure yourself, that you will be safe while having sex with a woman? You buy your own clothes; you buy your own socks and shoes. So I suggest you buy your own condoms, that way you get to have a say in when your children are conceived.

Gentleman it can make a difference in your child support later on. If you don’t want the responsibility of paying child support or raising children when you are not ready for children, be responsible enough to buy condoms. There are times women do not feel it should be up to them to cover up something on your body.

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