A little more about Janeal

Most of her articles are about the experiences she been through, and her inspirations. Sat back and enjoy while you look through the pages of her blog. If you like this blog also check out Janeal's writing blog and Let of some steam blog by Janeal. Thanks

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

April Fool's Day Story

April Fools Day Mom
By Janeal Mulaney
I was expecting my second child in April, and actually the doctor had declared the due date around the sixteenth of May. I knew the baby would come before then I just was not entirely sure when. I awoke for some reason in the wee hours on April first and decided I would play a prank on my mother, like I usually did every April fools day. Just usually not quite that early in the morning. So it was three o'clock am no big deal she would get over being woke up at that time of day by the time I saw her later. So sweet little me punched in the numbers of her line and waited patiently for her to answer her phone. She said, hello in her sleep-induced voice, and I moaned extra long for her benefit, before I said."Mom, I'm in labor, we need to get to the hospital fast.""How far apart are the contractions?" she asked."They're only a minute apart, they're coming fast, I must have slept through most of them," then I let out another moan. I heard the phone drop and my mother's voice franticly calling to my dad to wake up. I tried screaming into the phone, but she was already gone. My father heard me, and picked up the phone. Through my laughter, I told my dad it was just an April fool's joke. My dad started laughing with me as we both heard my mom's van start outside of their house. All of a sudden we heard the door slam as she rushed back in to get my father to hurry up, and find out what was keeping my sound asleep husband, who should have already been out to the car with my bag. Through his laughter and tears, my father told her it was an April fool's joke and I was just fine. She went out shut off the motor to her van, came back and told me after I had my child she was going to shoot me. I still don't understand why, she would want to do such a thing? I guess she did get over it, because I'm still here, and all three of my children are grown.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A winter Memory

My Favorite Winter Memory
By Janeal Mulaney
Of course I was still a kid, and our Christmas vacation had just started. Three whole weeks without school what could be better, I awoke to falling snow, and not just the tiny flakes without moisture but big gigantic flakes the kind that make the best snowmen. It was still early and the snow had yet to cover the ground adequately, but I had my hopes. We had not been able to build a snowman yet this season, nor had we been able to make snow angels, or have a snowball fight. What good was winter without all those things?
Bause of the bitter cold, I had been trapped inside, it was a fate worst then death to this tomboy. I grabbed my jeans and sweater and headed for the bathroom. Today I was going to be outside and able to play in the wonderful white powder. I looked outside once again and smiled with delight. The snow was already over three inches high with more on the way. My daddy met me as he headed toward the kitchen; "hey spunky are you ready for a snowball fight?" he asked, as he passed me in the hall.
"I can't wait daddy, I'll be ready to head out in just a minute," I said, knowing that the chores had to come first, but even they got me out the house.
Side by side Daddy and I feed the horses, cows, chickens, dogs, and cats. Then headed to the barn to milk ole bossy our white-faced Hereford, she'd been with the family longer then I could remember. I loved all our animals, and enjoyed the time I helped with them, most of our animals we had raised from babies, so all were friendly the same way with Bossy's twin calves, that had been born the spring before, I had named them Randy and Sandy, and taken care of both in the small corral on the other side of the barn until they were big enough to join the tiny herd we had. If you can actually call three cows, and two bulls a herd. Dad gave me the honor of going out to break the ice in the water tank, while he milked Bossy. As I walked out of the barn into the corral both calves came to greet me, they were as ready to play in the snow as I was. Sandy nudged me on the right shoulder then Randy would nudge me on the left back towards Sandy making me their human basketball. We walked and slid all the way to the water tank that way, and then I took the small hammer out and with my child strength I hit at the three-inch ice to break through. I had just cracked the ice across the tank when the calves decided to both nudge me in the back as I was applying the hammer to the ice once
again. I somersaulted straight into the tank the ice split and I went head first into the iciest water I'd ever felt. I came up stuttering and sputtering over my ice cold shower. Randy and Sandy must have been worried, because as I was trying to get my footing to get out of the icy pool of water. Both calves grabbed a hold of my coat and were pulling me up and out of the tank. My dad must have heard the splash and looked out to check on the noise, then ran to get the old blanket before leaving the barn. Randy and Sandy had pulled me out as I lay on the ground both of them laid down beside me and put their heads across my back, to keep me as warm as possible, until my dad was there to lift me up and carry me to the house. I caught a severe cold and was in bed for the next two weeks. The snow had come and gone; right along with Christmas before my over protective mother would allow me to get out of bed. The minute I was up, Dad told me to go check the stock with him, I dressed and we went out to the corrals where the cows and horses stayed, everything was normal the horses were frisky and running around absorbing the suns' rays, most of the cattle were still eating all except two calves who stood looking at the house expectantly.
"Why aren't they eating, daddy?" I asked, as we neared Randy and Sandy.
"The only time I've gotten them to eat, since the day you went into the water tank is when I put the hay in that corner where they can see the back of the house. I think they are worried about you, and until they make sure you're well, their going to stand right there."
I walked up to the fence where both calves moved me around with their heads, just like they had that day two weeks ago. I started laughing and hugging them back, and then after one more nudge they walked over to the rest of the herd and started to eat. My dad and I just looked at one another.
It's been years since that time, but I will never forget Randy and Sandy and how much they meant to me for years, they were always there, and I know they loved me as much as I loved them. I have many more fond memories of all my animals, but this one I hold dear, because you hear and see about dogs and cats even horses who take care of their masters, but never about cows. I think all animals can sense a person's need when they are in trouble and instinct takes over. God knew what he was doing when he made animals, and he made man. God made a connection between the two, and I think God for that connection every day. ©