A little more about Janeal

Most of her articles are about the experiences she been through, and her inspirations. Sat back and enjoy while you look through the pages of her blog. If you like this blog also check out Janeal's writing blog and Let of some steam blog by Janeal. Thanks

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stranger in my Life

Stranger in my Life

Not too long ago I meet you, you said all the right things
You whispered and spoke of a love so wonderful
I fell into your arms ready for you to sweep me away
For months you cherished and loved me like I had never been before

I thought our love was special I thought our love was true
The tender way you touched me, the sweet cards you sent
Told me of a love that was written within the stars
As I fell more and more each day, you made dreams come true
You gazed into my big blue eyes and told your sweet lies

For you know I was head over heals in love with you
I gave of myself more and more with every breath I took
Until you had everything you wanted
I had put all my faith in you only to realize that you deserved none
I put all my trust in you only to find you were never thrust worthy
I believed in you only to realize you wanted to use my love to your own means
One be one the promises you made you broke in everyway possible

Never once did I understand what you had truly done
Until that faithful day you left me for another who will now be used
I hear you each night in my dreams telling her the same lies you once told me
I feel for her for someday soon she will be where I once was

I cannot warn her for you have spread so many lies she would not want to believe
That you are the enemy to one and all women who have a tender heart
And want to believe that there is goodness within each person
Now I know that although you may still have some good buried deep within

You are too twisted to ever try to reach the wonderful love God placed within
By Janeal Mulaney

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